Friday, May 10, 2013

The off-screen deaths in: Batman Beyond, Part Four

S1E13 0:02:40 Terry continues to prove that Bruce probably shouldn't let him be Batman for much longer. A crook is chasing him with a hover forklift that is loaded up with a shitload of drums of something called Polymold. Bats flips the lift with an explosive Batarang sending the crook fleeing from an avalanche of Polymold drums. It looks like he is about to get away, but we totally get a glimpse of him being sucked under the tide. These drums of Polymold look just like oil drums and a single drum of oil weighs 350lbs. The goon is crushed by at least twelve of them. Once again, Bats totally murdered a dude. (And no, I don't goddamn care if the guy groans when Bats searches his body later, that is just gas escaping his dead body).
Murderarang - I mean...Batarang, GO!
Holy shit oh holy mother fucking shit, Batman please save me! I am so fucking very sorry!
S1E13 0:18:40 Derek Powers, AKA Blight, goes critical and fries a nuclear sub. It sinks with Powers inside of it and nothing bad happens from the nuclear fallout because, cartoons. Seems Powers met the same fate of his original henchman, Mr. Fixx, from S1E2. As with all the big villain deaths, this will be retconned if he comes back, no Googlin' into the future. Just calling it as I see it.

Death toll after S1E13: 285

S2E1 0:18:10 Terry fights Cuvier, who has spliced himself into a literal chimera. Bats stabs him with a dozen different splices, turning him into a monster. Spills Flammable Cartoon Liquid all over the place. Electrocutes him and then blows Cuvier up. I am starting to think that as Bruce trained Terry his motto was, "Shit. Murder. Murder is bad. But accidents? Whhhoooo boy! Accidents are awesome and TOTALLY acceptable," while air quotation marking every instance of the word 'accident'

Hahahahaha! Look at how fuck ugly I made you!
Man, accidents are just the best. Fuck that guy.

Death toll after S2E1: 286

S2E2 0:08:33 Interesting note: We learn that Terry is seventeen years old. I will thus hypothesize that he started donning the cowl near or shortly after his seventeenth birthday and that he is nearing or just recently celebrating his first year anniversary as The Batman (S1E10 and S1E11 established that episodes have no problem skipping forward several months and at S1E11 he was six months into his Batcareer). Huzzah, fan hypothesis!

S2E2 0:15:20 Interesting note: Let the nightmares begin! Try to get away with the next couple of minutes in a modern kids cartoon and see what happens.
S2E2 0:18:31 Bats spills more of the chemicals that gave Tony his power/curse onto Tony and this hurts him instead of making him more powerful because, cartoons. The cave collapses but before Tony's life force blinks out, he lets go of the past and allows the man he blames (rightfully so, really) for his pseudo death to go free in the interest of his daughter. For the sake of posterity, I shouldn't include Tony's death in my count because really, he was mostly already dead. But because Batman kinda found a way to murder a radiation powered Earth ghost I am totally including it.

Fuck you, Earth Ghost. Batman can murder anything!
S2E2 Bonus Deaths! There are medium to large earthquakes throughout the entire episode. Even if these all happen in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, as it seems they do, you know there were at least a couple of unfortunate farms or travelers that got fucked up. Lets put the number of dead from earthquake related injury at five.

Death toll after S2E2: 292
S2E3 0:05:33 Interesting note. This is the most Jokerz members we have seen since the first episode. There are six here and one is a new recruit. My initial belief that a couple of them bought it while plummeting off of a building in the first episode is even stronger.
And that chick's weapon really looks like a scrotum.
S2E3 0:05:50 A gal in a normal hover car is in line at a fast food joint when the Jokerz smash into her vehicle from behind. In a later long shot, her car (with a glass, Jetson's like driver/passenger compartment) is seen empty, with the top (all compartment glass broken) leaning towards the (knowing the Beyond architecture) probably hundred plus story drop off. In the clip where her car is smashed, she is not wearing a seat belt. So, she was thrown from her vehicle off the edge of the drive-through lane to become highway hamburger.
Fucking, of course.

S2E3 0:08:50 Interesting note. First bone breaking takedown in the series. (Usually a staple of Batman combat).

S2E3 0:12:08 The Jokerz, with their stolen government assault craft, have blown up a local hangout for the T's (their rival gang). We can see a few wounded on the ground but, come on. Its a gang war, you know there are gonna be a few dead. But how many? Well I am gonna go by the fact that the most Jokerz I have ever seen at one time is seven, so lets say that they hit a similar sized group (neighborhood beef that is part of an overall larger conflict?). So, for the sake of simplicity, we will say it was seven T's at the particular hang out. Three wounded, four dead.

Death toll
after S2E3: 297 Alright folks, sixteen episodes in, we are past one of my favorite episodes (S2E2) and the Jokerz have finally proven that they can be more than just the punchline. In just his first year as The Bat, 297 duders have met whatever is on the other side.

Most dangerous criminal thus far: Curaré. I don't rightly know if anyone can beat her cold, bloody slaughter of the GPD.

Saddest death in part four: That poor lady. All she wanted was a burger or two. No better way to kill the stress of a long day at the office than good ol' greasy fast food. And then her car was wrecked by a bunch of assholes dressed as clowns and she was thrown from her car into the abyss of Gotham, only to meet the hard pavement on an empty stomach.

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